Wednesday 30 November 2011

Lila, my disgraceful studio doll

I guess it's the time to be busy, but I seem to have been much more so lately. I've been selling vintage dresses on ebay for Christmas fundraising,planning my talk and presentation for Embroiderers Guild next week,going to exhibitions, talks and starting to think about Christmas....and planning some new work too.
I havn't been in my studio so much through all this, but when I was there this week, we had a journalist from the local newspaper visiting, talking to us and taking photographs, down at Cuckoo farm Studios. It was an interesting morning, and I took some photographs of an interesting Victorian Short Cape that I have.....and also of discraceful doll who sits in the sketchbook corner.
This is Lila...a 1930s Boudoir doll who has seen better days and who, inspite of all attempts to clean her up refuses to "come clean".

1 comment:

lammy_55 said... such a cool looking vintage doll! x