Friday 21 October 2011

Enjoying the Autumn Sunshine

While I was busy with the camera taking photographs of vintage clothing and lace for ebay ('s time to fund my studio work again!),William and Sooty were enjoying the autumn sunshine comming through the window...I guess at 15 they deserve just to laze around all day...and all night now, but Sooty actually attempted to climb a tree this week-it's a long time since I've seen him do that, it must be this Indian Summer we are having for October and long may it last.


Sea Angels said...

What lovely cats you have Ellen, and I hope your ebay items do well xx
We have not had any Indian summer, in fact it hasn't stopped raining for 3 weeks....maybe I should move south ha ha
Enjoy the sun
Lynn xx

Ellen said...

The whole of October has been bright sunshine with only one or two showers....not good for the farmers, but it has made up for the cold grey weather in August.
I do hope you are well and being inspired,inspite of the rain.
Ellen xx

mycuriousteaparty said...

Hi Ellen

Hope your feeling refreshed, love your garden post, would love to come and sit in it one day.. On a sunny day of course.

May I suggest that you add a link to your ebay pages, might help with a few sales..~ Julie x

Ellen said...

Hi Julie

I hope you are well....yes I could add a link I guess, I will have to see how to do it, I havn't really taken blogger into links and things.
Am just about to get a website up and running so should add that too, when I've actually done it! and probably Cuckooo Farm.
I need to organise things a bit more.