Tuesday 11 May 2010

Reflecting and Looking to the Future

This is a time of much thought. After almost five years the degree is almost finished...it seemed to go slowly, but the last year has really flown. It is an exciting time of change, and whilst I know I will miss the camerarderie and atmosphere of the art school environment, I am excited by the future. I now know why I like the things that I like, who I am and why I work in the ways that I do. My work must always have a deeper meaning, and I cannot just make something for the sake of it. My final project has also been theraputic in that it has enabled me to come to terms with a certain, extremely hard time in my life and draw from those experiences to create the work I am currently involved with....I feel as if I could not be in a better place artistically, mentally and spiritually as it is my faith in God that has seen me through all the different journeys in my life.
I hope so much to be able to secure a studio at Cuckoo Farm, so that I can carry the work forward in a professional and artistic environment,whilst being able to exhibit to the public, so I shall write my application letter this week...I just need a few more images of my work to send.
This is not the end...but very much the beginning of another journey...but in the meantime there is much work still to comlete for the degree, so this part of the journey is not quite finished yet.

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