I'll just add a few images at a time of the show....it is now in he final week and closes on Saturday, but it has been such a rewarding experience.
I'm so touched by the kind, and positive feedback, and have met some lovely people whilst I've been popping in and out.
On Monday and Tuesday next, it will all come back to the studio....if I can fit it in! and I am quite looking forward to being surrounded by it, and hope it will continue to inspire me to go forward.
Before I start any more making,I am going to embark on some research into my 17th century ancestors who were heavily involved with the Flemish weavers and the Say & Bay trade in Colchester....it may turn out to be a blind alley, but this is where I am going next.The thread of my subject will still be there, but I am now looking to taking it even further.
I shall add more images over the next few days and thank you so much for your interest in my blog....I would love to hear from you.
Your photo's are lovely Ellen, it is so nice that you have taken the time to do this, showing your many blog-land visitors that have been unable to attend the fantastic work that you have in your show.
Congratulations once again ~ Julie
Hi Ellen such beautiful picture of your lovely work.
I was thinking what a wonderful achievement for you to build upon, and how motivated you have been since leaving University..your work brings me so much pleasure and I love looking at the way you use the exquisite fabric you have collected over the years. Have great fun with your new research.
Lynn x
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