Saturday 14 August 2010


Just when I thought I would be able to spend more time on my blog....other things happen! good things, thankfully, although it means that I shan't be able to take a break yet as I have been given the Graduate Award of a studio for a year, free of charge at Cuckoo farm, Boxted, Essex.
I have spent the last two weeks gradually moving in, and it has started to feel a bit like home now.It's so excitiing having a real studio to work in, after taking up all the space in my 36ft caravan home, but with it comes the discipline to work; this I think is a good thing for me, otherwise I might just drift.
September is also the month for Open Studios, when the publice can come in and watch the artists working at the weekends....I have decided to continue with my graduation project of "Exquisite Poverty: Fragments" as I want to say more, in cloth and stitch.
As soon as the lighting allows ( go away rain), I will take some photographs of the studio, and also of the "new" materials I will be making the next dress from.
I have purchased a very old tattered patchwork quilt which is made from pieces of 1920s mens shirts, and also another antique mother of pearl name brooch..."Mother", which will be the theme of the dress.....I will try to get some images done as soon as possible for the blog, as it has been sorely neglected......I have also had some very interesting meetings with people like the head of design for Red Or Dead and Karen Millen, but enough writing for next!