I havn't got time to write about the exhibition tonight, but was so excited that my little angel cat ....made in memory of my own Sooty who I had to say goodbye to last year, was chosen for the poster....a bit of a tribute to him too.
Briefly, nine artist each had to make a box and nine artefact to go in it...the list of artefacts was the same for all, but it's amazing to see the different styles and stories that go with each. I wrote a short story to go with mine, all about a girl called Florence, Angels and her black cat Mehitabelle.,,I think I am going to write more as it just seems to happen. I've been ill and am going to stay with my son and his wife in Switzerland for a while as a break...taking my medication with me...this will be the third course of antibiotics...all different and am really praying that this one will do the trick. Faith gets tested and I have had some arguments with my Lord when the pain has been severe, but He knows our heart and how weak we are, and I will just keep on trusting that I will not be ill overseas because I havn't seen my son, and daughter in law for 8 years....I might try to put images of the other artefacts on the blog before I go, but if not, will do so whan I come back.